About the Antique Rugs of the Future Project

Sheep Breeds of Azerbaijan

Sorting, Washing, Carding, Spinning

"The advantages of handspun yarn to machine spun yarn"

Rediscovery of Ancient Natural Dyes
Our Natural Dyestuffs


Difference between synthetically and naturally dyed rugs

Weaving and Finishing Steps

Galleries of ARFP Caucasian Azerbaijani Rugs


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Antique Shirvan rug (here mistakenly presented as "Kuba"), Aksu District, Bijo (so called Bijov, Bidjov) village or its vicinity, Azerbaijan. late 19th century.

664 spezialauktion
sammlerteppiche & islamische kunst
Rugs & Carpets, Islamic Art
Nagel Auktionen

84 Kuba
Kaukasus, um 1880/90
Ein klassisches Sammler-Stück, das publiziert ist als
„antiker Lebensbaum-Kuba“ in Eder, Kaukasische
Teppiche (1979), Nr. 394. 190 x 110 cm (179-9)
Außenbordüre fehlt, Nachknüpfungen und Reparaturen, Enden
neu gesichert, reinigungsbedürftig.
Kuba, Caucasus, circa 1880/90, published in Eder, Kaukasische
Teppiche (1979), Nr. 394. Outer border missing, repilings and
repairs, ends newly secured, cleaning recommended.